Contents of this blog
what is sketchpy
installing sketchpy
how to draw a custom image with sketchpy
Before getting into the blog , make sure you have python 3.6.x installed in your system
What is sketchpy?
sketchpy is a graphics module in python which is use to draw svg images ,
it also have library which contains predefined coordinates of some image , you can
play with it,
other than draw a predefined image you can also draw your own image or your loved one's image
by converting it to a svg form, enough talking theory ,let's get into it
Installing sketchpy
open your command prompt or terminal, and type the following command and hit enter
pip install sketchpy
this command will install sketchpy module into your system
Drawing custom image
in order to draw a custom image in sketchpy, it should be in the form of svg(Scalable Vector Graphics)
we are going to use the following website to convert image to svg. website link

Note: sketchpy can only draw svg file generated from this website only, you cannot draw other svg files with it
upload your image to the website, and click B&W option on the left, you image will be in black and white form now, then download the svg file from downloads option on top
now open you text editor for writing your python program
Type the following code and run it
from sketchpy import canvas
obj = canvas.sketchpy_from_svg('full path to the svg file')
note: replace your path to the svg file that you have downloaded from the website in canvas.sketchpy_from_svg('path')
that's it, you have successfully draw your image with sketchpy
stay tuned for more such blogs